Real Cancer cases in India are up to 3 times greater than Reported


A recent study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has found that cancer cases in India are up to three times higher than reported. The study, which was conducted over a period of five years, used data from registries in 22 states to arrive at these figures.

According to the study, the incidence of cancer is highest in the southern states, followed by the eastern and western regions. The most frequent form of tumor in women is breast cancer, whereas the most frequent kind in males is prostate cancer.

The study also found that more than half of all tumor cases are diagnosed in the late stages, leading to high mortality rates. The lack of awareness about cancer and its symptoms is one of the main reasons for this.

This is a shocking revelation, and it underscores the need for greater awareness about tumors and its symptoms.

Delhi-Accordingto areportreleasedon Tuesday, thefactualrate of tumorsprevalencein India isallowedtobe1.5 to threetimes moreadvancedthan thereportedprevalencebecauseopinionfor 51 ofcasestakeslongerthan a week, and for 46 ofcases, theoriginalopinionandrecommendedtreatment leaves themundecided.

According to a study by FICCI and EY titled “Call for Action: Making Quality Cancer Care More Accessible and Affordable in India,” the reported cancer incidence in India this year is predicted to be between 19 and 20 lakh, however, the real incidence is 1.5 to 3 times higher than the reported instances.

The burden of cancer incidence in India is significant and is rapidly increasing.

Harvard University’s Bullying Prevention Page on Cancer

The Harvard University School of Public Health (HUPH) has launched a new web page on bullying and tumors, which is the first of its kind in the world.

The purpose of the page is to inform the public about the connection between bullying and tumors and to offer information and assistance to individuals who have been affected by both.

Bullying is “a huge health concern that impacts children and adults,” according to Prof. John Torous, vice president of HUPH for global health.

What Are the Different Types of Cancer?

There are two main types of cancer:

– Carcinomas: These are the most common form of cancer and are composed of rapidly growing abnormal cells. Carcinomas typically start in cells that form solid tumors, such as breast, colon, prostate, and lung cancers.

– Sarcomas: These are also known as soft tissue cancers because they are usually located in the softer tissues of the body, such as the skin, bone, muscle, blood, and cartilage. this is a rare form of tumor that is harder to treat.

Cancer history in the population

Cancer is now the leading cause of death in the US

According to the American Cancer Society, the cancer death rate in the US is expected to surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death by 2010.

In 2008, it is estimated that over 567,000 people will die from tumors and 1,734,000 new cases will be diagnosed.

The number of people in the US who have tumors is projected to reach over 12 million by 2050.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in India after heart disease.

Hair cell malignancy


Hair cell malignancy (halo)

Hair cell malignancy is a hamartoma, which is a benign tumor made up of neoplastic cells.

It usually occurs in the cochlea and vestibular apparatus of the ear.

HALO is a congenital disease and most patients are diagnosed during childhood.

Some patients have it all their life and they are never aware of it.

A few patients have it in one ear and in the other ear, they are completely normal.

Malignant effusions of the pleura


Malignant effusion (halo)

It is a fluid collection set up in the pleural depression.

It’s a collection of fluids that may be associated with certain conditions similar to tumors, tuberculosis, and empyema.

Nasty pleural effusions are generally set up in cases who have tumors.

While benign effusions are generally set up in cases who have heart failure or pneumonia.

Nasty pleural effusions are set up in about 40 cancer cases.

While a benign effusion is set up in about 15 cancer cases.

What is a cancer movie rating?

The purpose of the “Cancer Movie Rating” is to encourage people to educate themselves about cancer, and to encourage them to be early in the detection of it.

The rating system is based on the seriousness of the disease.

The system is simple.

There are movies with different ratings, and these ratings are based on the type of cancer, and the severity of the illness.


The matter of cancer is complex and tricky, but it can be managed if the public is educated about it.

It is important to understand the symptoms and not ignore them.

Also, it is important to understand the different types of cancer and their symptoms.

It is also important to know your family history and any other risk factors that you may have.

It is important to understand the risk factors and the symptoms.

If you are concerned, you should approach the doctor.

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